992 resultados para Web journalism


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Este trabalho tem por objetivo propor um modelo de ontologia simples e generalista, capaz de descrever os conceitos mais básicos que permeiam o domínio de conhecimento dos jornais on-line brasileiros não especializados, fundamentado tanto na prática quanto conceitualmente, em conformidade com os princípios da Web Semântica. A partir de uma nova forma de classificação e organização do conteúdo, a ontologia proposta deve ter condições de atender as necessidades comuns de ambas as partes, jornal e leitor, que são, resumidamente, a busca e a recuperação das informações.


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Considering the context that integrates the internet and the information, the present paper has aimed to analyze the content from the juridical portal named Migalhas, more specifically the daily information–newsletter that is sent to its readers. Starting by the passage on the pathway of the internet, cyber culture and web journalism, and some concepts of news production, it is aimed to describe and evaluate, from the content of the proposed analyzes by Laurence Bardin, about general aspects, strategies and bulletin samples. Bringing a little of its history and description of the journalistic and news main points. The present paper approaches how these criteria, news value, and tools are chosen and used to reach the effectiveness of the proposal to take specific and fast information to the readers. Questions regarded to the opinionated character from the content were also stated as a way to evaluate its expressiveness


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The society went through several transformations, especially technological. With the democratization of the Internet and social media, forms of relationships have turned up in between brand and consumer. Thus, marketing availed human characteristics in order to meet and interact with the consumer. So many print magazines have created profiles on Facebook and Twitter with the primary intent of disseminating original content and become a channel of dialogue with the reader. This research aims to reflect on the role of journalist as brand managers and social media acting as a magazine brand strength ening strategy. The research will examine the Todateen magazine, teen magazine focused on class C, and their profiles from Facebook and Twitter as a way to expand the relationship with the reader, to humanize the brand and strengthen the identity of the magazine. The methodologies used are exploratory and analytical to, first, discuss the issues: magazine journalism, media convergence, web journalism, social media, corporate communications, branding and marketing, and then analyze the Todateen case, describing the print media, the website, Twitter and Facebook


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The purpose of the present dissertation is to show the interactivity connections featured in a cultural journalism magazine's website through direct observation of its presented structure. The website chosen as object of study is Rolling Stone Brasil, April 2010 being the point of reference for analysis. Methodological support for such study has been culled from theoretical works on the principles that are necessary for the development of sampling in the observed structure. For this, are employed of concepts and strategies predicated by authors in the field of communications with emphasis on digital means is aplicated. The research indicates that the tools adopted in the website's structure comprise a potential of interactivity between the parties involved in the communication chain, and that the content therein produced may be considered as direct content of a web journalism structure


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Este estudo procura verificar como ocorre a colaboração dos usuários no conteúdo informativo do Portal R7, a partir da nova configuração da internet, a web 2.0, criada em 2004. O termo web 2.0 surgiu para qualificar uma segunda geração de comunidades e serviços, em um ambiente de interação e participação que engloba diversas linguagens. Com o crescimento da adesão à tecnologia digital, algumas barreiras que limitavam a colaboração nos conteúdos informativos foram superadas e o ambiente comunicacional tornou-se um espaço de intercâmbio para experiências e práticas do cotidiano. Nesse cenário, os internautas passam a ter uma relação mais aproximativa nos processos midiáticos presentes no suporte digital, no qual o cidadão pode se expressar, ter maior visibilidade e se relacionar a partir do momento em que ele produz, publica e compartilha qualquer tipo de conteúdo, seja de caráter informativo ou de entretenimento. A revisão bibliográfica abrangeu autores como Ciro Marcondes Filho, José Marques de Melo, Nelson Traquina, Alex Primo, Ana Brambilla, Marcelo Träsel, Raquel Recuero, Polyana Ferrari, Squirra, entre outros. O método de investigação utilizado é o qualitativo, por meio de uma pesquisa exploratória descritiva, do tipo estudo de caso. Os instrumentos para a investigação foram a observação direta assistemática e a entrevista semiestruturada (ou semiaberta). O principal resultado obtido é que o webjornalismo colaborativo no Portal R7 é prioritariamente induzido pelas redes sociais, especialmente o Facebook e o Twitter, inspirado no “call for action”, como estratégia para chamar à colaboração. As práticas jornalísticas estão intrinsicamente dependentes da ação do usuário, sendo que o jornalista agrega às práticas de checagem uma nova etapa, a de relacionamento com o usuário do Portal, para agregar e fidelizar a audiência, valorizando a colaboração em todas as etapas de produção.


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O tema desta dissertação é a cobertura jornalística especializada em política em portais na internet durante as eleições municipais de 2012 em Palmas, capital do estado do Tocantins. A importância do estudo está na abordagem da cobertura política regional em período de campanha eleitoral, pouco estudada em algumas cidades como na capital do Tocantins, e de um pleito recente, ocorrido no ano passado. Além disso, o estado (criado com a divisão de Goiás em 1988) possui um perfil político peculiar, com grupos rivais que se perpetuam no poder. O objetivo principal aqui é analisar as rotinas produtivas nesses suportes digitais em tempos de eleições, e como se dão as relações entre fontes e jornalistas especializados em cobertura política. Como referenciais teóricos são apresentados os conceitos do newsmaking, agenda-setting e gatekeepers no cenário da internet e do jornalismo político. Para a pesquisa houve a necessidade de utilizar abordagens quantitativa e qualitativa, com o uso das técnicas de análise de conteúdo e entrevistas semiabertas (ou semiestruturadas) com os jornalistas responsáveis pelos dois principais portais de notícias especializados em política, T1 Notícias e Portal CT, durante o período eleitoral municipal em 2012. O conteúdo analisado abrange as publicações nos portais no período de 19 de outubro a 08 de novembro, momento em que a campanha eleitoral foi mais acirrada entre os candidatos à prefeitura de Palmas. As principais conclusões são que as rotinas produtivas dos veículos sofreram grandes mudanças, com a criação de editoria especial para a cobertura, além de contratação de profissionais de redação para a produção de um volume expressivo de informações sobre as eleições. Alguns aspectos que influenciaram na produção noticiosa, por se tratar de veículos digitais, foram a necessidade de rapidez na geração da informação, além da concorrência entre os portais - e consequentemente da verba publicitária. A quantidade de fontes oficiais e o prestígio dos jornalistas responsáveis pelos portais estudados também interferiram na cobertura, especialmente porque as relações de poder na cidade se dão de maneira mais intensa e mais próxima. Outro destaque na conclusão é que os portais exploram pouco as características do webjornalismo, restringindo-se basicamente a textos, e deixando de usar a linguagem multimídia, a interatividade e o hipertexto.


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Este estudo procura verificar como ocorre a colaboração dos usuários no conteúdo informativo do Portal R7, a partir da nova configuração da internet, a web 2.0, criada em 2004. O termo web 2.0 surgiu para qualificar uma segunda geração de comunidades e serviços, em um ambiente de interação e participação que engloba diversas linguagens. Com o crescimento da adesão à tecnologia digital, algumas barreiras que limitavam a colaboração nos conteúdos informativos foram superadas e o ambiente comunicacional tornou-se um espaço de intercâmbio para experiências e práticas do cotidiano. Nesse cenário, os internautas passam a ter uma relação mais aproximativa nos processos midiáticos presentes no suporte digital, no qual o cidadão pode se expressar, ter maior visibilidade e se relacionar a partir do momento em que ele produz, publica e compartilha qualquer tipo de conteúdo, seja de caráter informativo ou de entretenimento. A revisão bibliográfica abrangeu autores como Ciro Marcondes Filho, José Marques de Melo, Nelson Traquina, Alex Primo, Ana Brambilla, Marcelo Träsel, Raquel Recuero, Polyana Ferrari, Squirra, entre outros. O método de investigação utilizado é o qualitativo, por meio de uma pesquisa exploratória descritiva, do tipo estudo de caso. Os instrumentos para a investigação foram a observação direta assistemática e a entrevista semiestruturada (ou semiaberta). O principal resultado obtido é que o webjornalismo colaborativo no Portal R7 é prioritariamente induzido pelas redes sociais, especialmente o Facebook e o Twitter, inspirado no “call for action”, como estratégia para chamar à colaboração. As práticas jornalísticas estão intrinsicamente dependentes da ação do usuário, sendo que o jornalista agrega às práticas de checagem uma nova etapa, a de relacionamento com o usuário do Portal, para agregar e fidelizar a audiência, valorizando a colaboração em todas as etapas de produção.


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The Reporting Diversity website provides four curriculum modules to assist journalism educators to teach students about the issues and practice of reporting on cultural difference. The researchers co-ordinated the second round of trials of these resources in 2009, which involved the participation of academics and students from five Australian universities. A further 30 academics were surveyed to gauge their level of awareness of the materials. This paper reports on the educators’ evaluation of the resources and reveals the innovative ways in which the modules are being used and adapted in different classroom settings. The researchers argue that sharing different teaching approaches to the materials through the Reporting Diversity website would assist other academics to adapt the resources for their own use.


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The shift from 20th century mass communications media towards convergent media and Web 2.0 has raised the possibility of a renaissance of the public sphere, based around citizen journalism and participatory media culture. This paper will evaluate such claims both conceptually and empirically. At a conceptual level, it is noted that the question of whether media democratization is occurring depends in part upon how democracy is understood, with some critical differences in understandings of democracy, the public sphere and media citizenship. The empirical work in this paper draws upon various case studies of new developments in Australian media, including online- only newspapers, developments in public service media, and the rise of commercially based online alternative media. It is argued that participatory media culture is being expanded if understood in terms of media pluralism, but that implications for the public sphere depend in part upon how media democratization is defined.


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The Guardian reportage of the United Kingdom Member of Parliament (MP) expenses scandal of 2009 used crowdsourcing and computational journalism techniques. Computational journalism can be broadly defined as the application of computer science techniques to the activities of journalism. Its foundation lies in computer assisted reporting techniques and its importance is increasing due to the: (a) increasing availability of large scale government datasets for scrutiny; (b) declining cost, increasing power and ease of use of data mining and filtering software; and Web 2.0; and (c) explosion of online public engagement and opinion.. This paper provides a case study of the Guardian MP expenses scandal reportage and reveals some key challenges and opportunities for digital journalism. It finds journalists may increasingly take an active role in understanding, interpreting, verifying and reporting clues or conclusions that arise from the interrogations of datasets (computational journalism). Secondly a distinction should be made between information reportage and computational journalism in the digital realm, just as a distinction might be made between citizen reporting and citizen journalism. Thirdly, an opportunity exists for online news providers to take a ‘curatorial’ role, selecting and making easily available the best data sources for readers to use (information reportage). These activities have always been fundamental to journalism, however the way in which they are undertaken may change. Findings from this paper may suggest opportunities and challenges for the implementation of computational journalism techniques in practice by digital Australian media providers, and further areas of research.


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The intersection of current arguments about the role of creative industries in economic development, online user-generated content, and the uptake of broadband in economically disadvantaged communities provides the content for this article. From 2006 to 2008 the authors carried out a research project in Ipswich, Queensland involving local creative practitioners and community groups in their development of edgeX, a Web-based platform for content uploads and social networking. The project aimed to explore issues of local identity and community building through online networking, as well as the possibilities for creating pathways from amateur to professional practice in the creative industries through the auspices of the Website. Set against the backdrop of a rapidly changing technological environment that has problematic implications for research projects aiming to build new online platforms, we present several case studies from the project to illustrate the challenges to participation experienced by people with limited access to, and literacy with, the Internet.


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The Guardian reportage of the United Kingdom Member of Parliament (MP) expenses scandal of 2009 used crowdsourcing and computational journalism techniques. Computational journalism can be broadly defined as the application of computer science techniques to the activities of journalism. Its foundation lies in computer assisted reporting techniques and its importance is increasing due to the: (a) increasing availability of large scale government datasets for scrutiny; (b) declining cost, increasing power and ease of use of data mining and filtering software; and Web 2.0; and (c) explosion of online public engagement and opinion.. This paper provides a case study of the Guardian MP expenses scandal reportage and reveals some key challenges and opportunities for digital journalism. It finds journalists may increasingly take an active role in understanding, interpreting, verifying and reporting clues or conclusions that arise from the interrogations of datasets (computational journalism). Secondly a distinction should be made between information reportage and computational journalism in the digital realm, just as a distinction might be made between citizen reporting and citizen journalism. Thirdly, an opportunity exists for online news providers to take a ‘curatorial’ role, selecting and making easily available the best data sources for readers to use (information reportage). These activities have always been fundamental to journalism, however the way in which they are undertaken may change. Findings from this paper may suggest opportunities and challenges for the implementation of computational journalism techniques in practice by digital Australian media providers, and further areas of research.


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The shift from 20th century mass communications media towards convergent media and Web 2.0 has raised the possibility of a renaissance of the public sphere, based around citizen journalism and participatory media culture. This paper will evaluate such claims both conceptually and empirically. At a conceptual level, it is noted that the question of whether media democratization is occurring depends in part upon how democracy is understood, with some critical differences in understandings of democracy, the public sphere and media citizenship. The empirical work in this paper draws upon various case studies of new developments in Australian media, including online- only newspapers, developments in public service media, and the rise of commercially based online alternative media. It is argued that participatory media culture is being expanded if understood in terms of media pluralism, but that implications for the public sphere depend in part upon how media democratization is defined.